
» » Writing user friendly C programs

By: X Byte Lab Posted date: 16:12 Comments: 2
                   C Program for beginners
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Writing user friendly programs

  Users are recommended to write programs in such a way that the computers display friendly messages to read the values of the variables. The result are also displayed with appropriate text. Programs written in this manner are called use friendly programs.

  If you are new to C language then without wasting time Visit this linkBecause if you learn from beginning then only it will be beneficial for you and it will not take more than half an hour to learn the basics.

To know how to write and where to write the main structure of a C program visit this link.
To download application to write C/C++ program visit this link.
To get the list of all C programs for beginners visit this link.

  Below is a user friendly program to find the sum of two numbers, have a look.

Header file
Header file
Main program
Block begins
int a, b, sum;
Variable going to be used are declared
Single line comment
printf(“Enter 1st number: “);

printf(“Enter 2nd number: “);
sum = a + b;
printf("sum: %d \n",sum);
Block ends

when the program is executed, the values are entered and the results are displayed as below screenshot

If you have any doubt then please comment here or visit our Facebook page c++ for beginner at this link and if you like this blog then please rate us below

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